MARCH AND QUARTERLY 2024 SUSENAS ENCALLATION - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sukamara Regency

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February 26, 2024 | BPS Activities

The National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) is a BPS survey which aims to collect data related to household welfare in Indonesia, including aspects of education, health and other aspects of life. Susenas is held twice a year, namely Semester I in March and Semester II in September. Currently, BPS Sukamara Regency is carrying out the March 2024 Susenas and Seruti Quarterly enumeration activities.
BPS Sukamara Regency carried out the 2024 March Susenas and Seruti Quarter I enumeration activities from 19 February to 9 March 2024. The March Susenas and Seruti I Quarter 2024 enumerations were carried out by PCL (Field Enumeration Officer), with supervision and guidance from PML (Field Inspection Officer) Susenas March 2024. This supervision aims to ensure that each stage of the enumeration is carried out in accordance with established procedures, as well as to ensure the quality of the data collected.
Until this article was published, in implementing the March 2024 Susenas activities there were several obstacles that emerged. The initial obstacle that emerged was the difficulty of meeting some respondents when the census was being carried out. This situation occurred because at the time of updating, the Field Enumerator (PCL) as the updating officer also did not ask for telephone numbers from respondents. As a result, PCL had difficulty making census appointments with respondents who were difficult to find. Then, the next obstacle was PCL's lack of understanding of the enumeration flow, which caused the enumeration time to take longer than it should. PCL should review the contents of the questionnaire and understand the enumeration flow and procedures well, so that the enumeration will be completed on time. The final obstacle was that after carrying out the census, there were several questionnaire entries that were incomplete and errors were still found in the recap. This is because PCL does not fully understand the validation rules of the questionnaire used. It is hoped that the existence of this obstacle will become an evaluation material in the implementation of the next Susenas activity to increase the level of respondent participation and the quality of the data produced.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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