February 7, 2023 | BPS Activities
The National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) is a survey conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) specifically designed to collect employment data. The initial stage of the February 2023 SAKERNAS activities is to update the content on the BAs that are the sample for the February 2023 SAKERNAS.
The February 2023 SAKERNAS updating activity aims to provide an overview of the number of households in one census block (BS). In addition, updating is done to check the whereabouts of households, whether households are found, change heads of households, move in/out of Census Block, join other households, new households and not found. Household updating activities are carried out door to door, this is intended to ensure the accuracy of the population data to be collected.
In general, there are 5 (five) stages in updating activities. The first stage is to identify and search the task area, which aims to ensure compatibility between the map of the task area used and the conditions in the field. Second, identify the whereabouts of the family, which aims to find out changes in the population load due to events of moving or dying. Third, identify households in the family. Fourth, collect information on certain variables for surveys on households, in which this updating activity the variable collected is the education of the head of the household. Lastly, is updating the point and building number on the map.
The SAKERNAS updating activity in Sukamara Regency was carried out for 13 days, from 26 January 2023 to 7 February 2023. The updating was carried out in 11 BS spread over 4 (four) sub-districts, namely Jelai, Sukamara, Balai Riam, and Permata Kecubung. In detail, the number of study units in each sub-district is as follows: 3 (three) study units in Jelai District, 3 (three) study units in Sukamara District, 2 (two) study units in Balai Riam District, and 3 (three) study units in Permata Kecubung District . In its implementation, this activity was handled by 4 (four) PCL (Field Enumeration Officers) and 2 (two) PML (Field Examination Officers).
Thank you to the Officers and Respondents who contributed to the success of the February 2023 SAKERNAS update in Sukamara Regency.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Sukamara (Statistics of Sukamara Regency)Jl. Tjilik Riwut Km. 8
5 Sukamara; Pusat Kontak : 0811-50-6206
Mailbox: sukamara@bps.go.id
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