Training for 2023 Inter-Regional Trade Survey Officers (SPAW). - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sukamara Regency

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Training for 2023 Inter-Regional Trade Survey Officers (SPAW).

Training for 2023 Inter-Regional Trade Survey Officers (SPAW).

February 22, 2023 | BPS Activities

Differences in the availability and demand for commodities in each province as well as fluctuations and disparities in the prices of staple goods between regions which are quite high are the driving factors for inter-regional trade. To obtain a profile of the trade sector, determine the value of trade (Rp), and obtain the volume (Kg) and value (Rp) of trade between regions, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) has conducted an Inter-Regional Trade Survey (SPAW) since 2017. The Inter-Regional Trade Survey (SPAW) aims to

1. Obtain Trade Sector Profile

2. Knowing Trade Value (Turnover)

3. Obtain PAW Volume and Value

4. Getting the PAW Map

5. Know the PAW Mode of Transportation

The aim of the training for SPAW officers in 2023 is so that SPAW officers can understand survey methods properly and correctly so as to produce quality data. The training was held on 22 February 2023 at the BPS Sukamara Regency Hall. The training was carried out for one effective day.

The material presented during the training was a general explanation of SPAW, the SPAW methodology, an explanation of the procedures for filling out the SPAW questionnaire, and an explanation of SPAW processing. During the training, no problems occurred. The training took place in an orderly manner.

The training finished at 14.00 WIB according to the predetermined training schedule.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Sukamara (Statistics of Sukamara Regency)Jl. Tjilik Riwut Km. 8

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